Aug Simpler, shorter, faster: EXISTS. SELECT FROM information_schema. Postgres update a table (only) if it exists. Use if exists in postgresql - Database Administrators. Nov procedure for postgres to create table if not exist - Database.
Jun More from dba. The EXISTS accepts an argument which is a subquery. If the subquery returns at least one row, the result of EXISTS is true.
In case the subquery returns no row, the result is of EXISTS is false. To: pgsql-general(at) postgresql (dot)org. Subject: if exists select. Do not throw an error if the table does not exist.

A notice is issued in this case. The complicated query can be . Part of the problem is, . IF EXISTS in ALTER TABLE statements. Implementing this would get rid of errors when dropping constraints on . Dec CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS. The name of the sequence you. Apr What if we ORDER BY NULLS first on the fake column?
I have a table that contains a large amount of data which gets updated daily with either new data, or data (rows) that already exist in the table but need updating. This example drops the cars table if it exists and (re)creates it. Removes a column only if the column exists when altering the constraint if. Aug On 30th of July, Andrew Dunstan committed patch: Add IF NOT EXISTS processing to ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN Fabrízio de Royes Mello, .