Note: When you use the shorthand metho the conditions must all be . Jan Sas Gurus, I am trying to create this data step in proc sql with case when statement and I am getting syntax errors. Any idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance for your help.
Jan Solved: Hi all, In a case statement, I have multiple values I was to catch in a. The repetitive CASE WHEN condition makes the code look awkward. Note: this paper is just a experiment that attempts to exploit and expand the capacity of PROC SQL. Nov Using the same condition for multiple variables in. I have been using the when clause in case -end construct of proc sql recently. You must have used DISTINCT keyword to remove duplicates . Multiple Nested CASE expression can also be used.
A case expression can contain several when - then pairs. This allows for multiple conditions even without nesting—unlike the ? In the previous section, we learned the basics about PROC SQL. The conditions can be any valid SAS expression, including calculations, functions, and logical operators. Also, it will attempt to compare the techniques of DATA Step and PROC SQL.
In the SELECT clause, multiple columns are separated by commas. SQL Server usually does short-circuit evaluation for CASE statements ( SQLFiddle ):. If you have the possibility of multiple true values you want to place the preferred .