Clubs and organisations for seniors in South Australia. Provides support and opportunities for members to pursue an active and fulfilling life in retirement. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Learn more about how Principal can help you plan for whatever events, milestones, or changes happen in your life. Active Retirement Ireland is a national network of over 5local Active Retirement Associations with over 20members. ARI believes that older people have .
Such support groups can be a godsend for retired men, who, . Oct I am regularly in contact with my children, they do love me a lot. Feb If a person belonged to groups before they retired , and kept them up over the. LinkAge Network works with local organisations and community groups to. Aimed at local authorities, commissioners, managers and . Oct Later life and retirement can be one of the most enjoyable periods of our.
Apr Check out continuing-education classes at your local college or university. Nov Being part of a retirement or midlife transitions group and knowing other.