Like Operator for checking multiple words Jan Use multiple words in FullText Search input string answer Nov How to use LIKE in a query to find multiple words ? Oct Sql Search in a string for multiple words , knowing. Aug More from stackoverflow. FULL TEXT query - specifying multiple words to search using variable. If you want use multiple words inside contains keyword then your . Querying Multiple Columns.
If multiple words are contained in a query expression, separated only by . Apr Alternatively you can try the following method: SELECT x. The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause. I the time, I think it would be nice to see how “ contains ” could be thrown into the mix. Full-text queries can include simple words and phrases or multiple forms of a word.
CONTAINS is used to search for rows that contain words , . LIKE works with only character strings , not numbers or datetimes. LIKE uses a pattern that values are matched against. A pattern is a quoted string that contains the literal characters to. The OR criteria row finds matches to multiple words or phrases. For example, a query for documents containing the phrase peanut butter and jelly.
Another useful technique is looking for multiple terms. You can also using the wildcard multiple times with the LIKE condition.