Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Discourse forum app

Discourse is modern forum software for your community. It works as: - a mailing list - a discussion forum - a long-form chat . They add notifications and make it easier to keep up with the forum on the go. We use yarn to manage dependencies, be sure to have it installed: npm install -g . Ruby on Rails — Our back end API is a Rails app.

Nov Continuing the discussion from Why are you so passive in the community? There actually are apps for the forum software. No information is available for this page. Please add built in pin or passsword lock when you launch the joplin app.

Welcome to the official Solid Community Forum ! As a forum app , it seemed light-years ahead of what Invision, the software at HTML5G could do. The Curve Community forum is where Curve customers unite to help Curve .

Jan As some of you may know the forum recently got an update! I worked out the cheaper way to run it. Automatically creates a forum topic for discussion when a new blog post is published. The application is very flexible and allows customization of discussion forums. I am unable to add the forum.

Public discussion forum for Inkdrop. Discover alternatives, similar and related products to discourse that everyone is talking about. Beautiful open-source forum software.

Jul Kindly head over to where you hosted your domain and create a sub-domain where your discourse app will reside, forum. To keep the installation process as simple and straightforward . To run this application you need Docker Engine 1. It allows you to easilly set the . Mar Throughout my stay, I visited meta. We provision PostgreSQL, Redis and Rails apps for many customers every day. I added a discourse forum and everything went smoothly and it .

Mobile app alternative (PWA) via ELM? Installing our own sandstorm. BB is free and open source forum software that is easy to use, powerful,. If you want to integrate your app with a forum there is no need to build one on your own.

Aug I seem to be getting a error when adding the discourse to the iOS app. Presumablely access to the API is locke will the restrictions be . So the software we are using for this Forum is geared toward creating and encouraging a. Development and usage is .

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